Demeca selected as supplier of Latvaenergia Oy's biogas plant
Demeca has been selected as the supplier of Latvaenergia Oy’s biogas plant for the circular economy environment in Pyhäntä district.
Photo: Biogas plant to be delivered to Koko Latvaenergia Oy (illustration)
The municipality of Pyhäntä in Finland and Latvaenergia Oy have received funding from the Ministry of the Environment from the nutrient recycling programme. The project will implement an entity in which a new pre-treatment plant will be built for food industry wastewater and the treatment sludge will be led to a biogas plant to be implemented in the project, which will also process other side streams of food industry and agricultural biomasses.
Demeca Oy has been selected as the supplier of Latvaenergia Oy’s circular economy environment biogas plant to Pyhäntä in Finland. Demeca will supply a turnkey biogas plant complex to be built in the circular economy park for 20,000 tonnes of raw materials per year. The biogas plant produces energy from side streams of the local food industry, field biomass and sludge.
Biogas is refined into biomethane at the Demeca gFuel treatment unit, from where the biomethane is led via a gas transfer pipeline for utilization by the Pyhäntä food industry. In addition to the operation and maintenance of the plant, special attention has been paid to environmental impacts and, for example, the prevention of odour nuisances. The plant does not create noise around the plant area.
” We thank Latvaenergia for their trust and are eager to accept the work. We are very pleased that our long development work in the productization of biogas systems can also serve the needs of Latvaenergia’s medium-sized biogas plant. Demeca’s energy-efficient, productized solutions and long experience in the biogas industry provide the customer with the best prerequisites for succeeding in the project,” says Sami Vinkki, Sales Director at Demeca.
More information about the project:
Sami Pellikka, Latvaenergia Oy, e-mail:, Phone +35850 306 6540
Sami Vinkki, Demeca Oy, e-mail:, Phone +35844 328 3603